My Story

Who Am I?

Hello! My name is Erin Rosas. I am a wife and a mom to seven wonderful children, ages 25 through 5.  I have been a preschool teacher (I have a B.A. in early Childhood Education) and spent many years as a Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry Director for a local church. I have been on the journey to natural health for many years, always questioning things and leaning into my instincts in lieu of the status quo. I have always believed that God gave us everything here on Earth to be healthy and happy. Looking for a way to learn more and help others, I discovered Naturopathy. I began my journey at the Naturopathic Institute of Therapies and Education where I earned the title of Natural Health Educator. I have since furthered my education at Trinity School of Natural Health and completed the Certified Holistic Health Practitioner program in April, 2021 to officially become a Traditional Naturopath. Most recently I have completed the Healing With the New Biology Curriculum with Dr. Tom Cowan. In practice I use the modalities of Iridology, Muscle Response Testing, Herbology, Homeopathy, Essential Oils, Reflexology, Bach Flower Remedies, Emotional Release techniques, and Tuning Forks. I have a passion for the newest science as well as the methods that have been used for thousands of years. I see each person as a unique creation who needs individualized care and I will strive to help you find all the ways to improve your health and vitality. 


What I Believe:

I believe that God created everything here on Earth for us to be whole, well, and happy. Sometimes our busy, toxic lives get in the way of our bodies and minds working as God intended. I believe that by helping each other identify the areas in which we need improvement or support, we are honoring God’s call to Love Thy Neighbor

I believe that there are 7 core areas that need to be tended to in order to feel our best. 

  • Water

  • Breath

  • Sleep

  • Nutrition

  • Emotions

  • Movement

  • Toxins

I can help you explore each of these areas and determine how best to create lifestyle choices that work for you!

Affiliate Links:

I recommend certain companies based on the purity and effectiveness of the products.

Queen of the Thrones - Castor oil Packs

Earthley - Tinctures and Creams

CellCore - Parasite/detox supplements (use code VCWE1JHY)

Theon Global- Humic/Fulvic and Turmeric

Primal Queen- Women’s Organ